Why Does Reality Exist?

Mystical Experience, Spiritual Awakening, and Divine Consciousness

A Journey into the Wonders of Your Mind

How magical your existence is to be reading this line before you…

Open your Mind up to the awe-inspiring divine mystery behind Your and Reality’s existence..!!

The Book

Why does Reality exist? Why is there something rather than nothing? What happens to you when you die?

Through the lens of an altered state of consciousness, a mystic takes a visionary look at lifeโ€™s most magical age-old questions. Structured in 14 chapters through images, stream of consciousness, parables, and essays meant to meet readers through different โ€œdimensionsโ€ of thought, this book explores some of the overlapping themes found in mystical experiences, near-death experiences (NDEs), shamanic entheogenic experiences, and lucid dreams.

As you journey through the pages and open your mind to the wonder of existence, dream on as the distinction between โ€œmeโ€ and โ€œyouโ€, “reader” and “author”, โ€œdelusionโ€ and โ€œrealityโ€, โ€œdeathโ€ and โ€œbirthโ€ begins to blurโ€ฆ

This book is designed to help the reader better integrate the invisible knowledge learned in these โ€œother worldsโ€ upon โ€œreturnโ€ to this-worldly realm…

  • Provides a guide map to those undergoing spiritual awakening,
  • Validates the glimpses to those who have been โ€œthereโ€,
  • Shares the wonders of mystical experience to those altogether new to this journey.

The Author


"Our normal waking consciousness . . . is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the flimsiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. We may go through life without suspecting their existence; but apply the requisite stimulus and at a touch they are all there in all their completeness . . . No account of the universe in its totality can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disregarded."

~ William James, Varieties of Religious Experience

The world is perceived through the mind in different states of consciousness. Through this prism of the Mind, we come to form an understanding of the relationship between Self and World. Dissolving past the dichotomies of โ€œsubjectโ€ and โ€œobjectโ€, โ€œin hereโ€ and โ€œout thereโ€ in mystical experience, we can encompass a broader reality that opens the Mind to the infinity of the Divine. Perhaps through this new worldview lens, we can better approach timeโ€™s immemorial question: โ€œWhy does Reality Exist?โ€, and its sister question: โ€œWhy do I exist?โ€


Having been gifted with over twenty years of lucid dreaming, numerous mystical experiences, and a personal connection to NDEs, Alex is a student first and a teacher second to life’s “big questions”. 

While Alex studied and graduated at Dartmouth College, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Earth Sciences, leading to him re-discovering the joy behind nature’s existence. His first book Why does Reality Exist? is his attempt at teaching the product of his experiences trying to uncover the riddle behind the world’s existence.

In Brave New Words: The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction, โ€œsense of wonderโ€ is defined as follows:

SENSE OF WONDER n. a feeling of awakening or awe triggered by an expansion of one's awareness of what is possible or by confrontation with the vastness of space and time, as brought on by reading science fiction.

I can only gaze with wonder and awe at the depths and heights of our psychic nature. Its non-spatial universe conceals an untold abundance of images which have accumulated over millions of years of living development and become fixed in the organism. My consciousness is like an eye that penetrates to the most distant spaces, yet it is the psychic non-ego that fills them with non-spatial images. And these images are not pale shadows, but tremendously powerful psychic factors. . . .

~ Carl Jung (Memories, Dreams)

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